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iDesign [DESIGNS] highly technical and sophistocated spaces.

Laboratory Design

  • Laboratory Planning and Design

  • Vivarium Planning and Design

  • Equipment and Services Documentation

iDesign collects quantitative data and qualitative data to assess the key criteria that matter most to the administration/management, principal investigators/faculty, technical staff, end users and students. We then synthesize analytical intelligence with design thinking to deliver design strategies that are tailored to the individual needs of each client. Overall, we lead our clients through a process of design thinking to convert ideas into testable concepts and measurable outcomes designed to lead your organization forward. iDesign is a team of professionals united by a deep fascination with science & technology and a passion for delivering informed, creative, inspirational solutions that establish optimized results.

© 2020 iDesign Solutions.

2531 Ridge Road, Suite 100, White Lake, MI 48383

Tel: 248-440-7310 | Fax: 248-419-4724

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